Zak Kohane

Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD

Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Marion V. Nelson Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital

10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115

Isaac (Zak) Kohane, MD, PhD is the inaugural Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics and the Marion V. Nelson Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. He served as co-author of the Institute of Medicine Report on Precision Medicine that has been the template for national efforts. He develops and applies computational techniques to address disease at multiple scales: from whole healthcare systems as “living laboratories” to the functional genomics of neurodevelopment with a focus on autism.

Over the last 30 years, Kohane’s research agenda has been driven by the vision of what biomedical researchers could do to find new cures, provide new diagnoses and deliver the best care available if data could be converted more rapidly to knowledge and knowledge to practice. In so doing, he has designed and led multiple internationally adopted efforts to “instrument” the healthcare enterprise for discovery and to enable innovative decision-making tools to be applied to the point of care. At the same time, the new insights afforded by ’omic-scale molecular analyses have inspired him and his collaborators to work on re-characterizing and reclassifying diseases such as autism, rheumatoid arthritis and cancers. In many of these studies, the developmental trajectories of thousands of genes have been a powerful tool in unraveling complex diseases.

In 1987, Kohane earned his MD/PhD from Boston University and then completed his post-doctoral work at Boston Children’s Hospital, where he has since worked as a pediatric endocrinologist. He joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School in 1992, serving as Director of Countway Library from 2005 to 2015 and as Co-Director of the Center for Biomedical Informatics during the same period, before it became the Department of Biomedical Informatics in July 2015. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine and the American Society for Clinical Investigation. Kohane has published several hundred papers in the medical literature and authored the widely-used books Microarrays for an Integrative Genomics (2003) and The AI Revolution in Medicine: GPT-4 and Beyond (2023). He is also Editor-in-Chief of NEJM AI.

Kohane is always on the lookout for like-minded “quants” who share the same goals to bring a better future for medicine and biomedical science to the present.

Current Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities
DBMI Research Areas
DBMI Courses
Longitudinal histories as predictors of future diagnoses of domestic abuse: modelling study.
Authors: Reis BY, Kohane IS, Mandl KD.
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Instrumenting the health care enterprise for discovery research in the genomic era.
Authors: Murphy S, Churchill S, Bry L, Chueh H, Weiss S, Lazarus R, Zeng Q, Dubey A, Gainer V, Mendis M, Glaser J, Kohane I.
Genome Res
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Calculating the return on investment of mobile healthcare.
Authors: Oriol NE, Cote PJ, Vavasis AP, Bennet J, Delorenzo D, Blanc P, Kohane I.
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High-throughput single cell arrays as a novel tool in biopreservation.
Authors: Roach KL, King KR, Uygun K, Hand SC, Kohane IS, Yarmush ML, Toner M.
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Cytotoxic diarylheptanoid induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via increasing ATF3 and stabilizing p53 in SH-SY5Y cells.
Authors: Tian Z, An N, Zhou B, Xiao P, Kohane IS, Wu E.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol
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Comment on "Autistic-like phenotypes in Cadps2-knockout mice and aberrant CADPS2 splicing in autistic patients".
Authors: Eran A, Graham KR, Vatalaro K, McCarthy J, Collins C, Peters H, Brewster SJ, Hanson E, Hundley R, Rappaport L, Holm IA, Kohane IS, Kunkel LM.
J Clin Invest
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No small change for the health information economy.
Authors: Mandl KD, Kohane IS.
N Engl J Med
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Comparative analysis of neurological disorders focuses genome-wide search for autism genes.
Authors: Wall DP, Esteban FJ, Deluca TF, Huyck M, Monaghan T, Velez de Mendizabal N, Goñí J, Kohane IS.
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The twin questions of personalized medicine: who are you and whom do you most resemble?
Authors: Kohane IS.
Genome Med
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Tissue and process specific microRNA-mRNA co-expression in mammalian development and malignancy.
Authors: Liu H, Kohane IS, Kohane IS.
PLoS One
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