Andreas Werdich, PhD
Andreas Werdich is a physicist who received a Diploma in atomic physics from Freiburg University, Germany, and a PhD in physics from Vanderbilt University. His dissertation was focused on studying the molecular mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias using high-speed fluorescence imaging of single cells in microfluidic devices. Dr. Werdich completed postdoctoral fellowships at Massachusetts General Hospital and Case Western Reserve University and in 2015, joined the faculty of Harvard Medical School at Brigham Women’s Hospital. Since then, he has been specializing in data science and computer vision, using deep learning techniques to uncover attributes of human health and disease in experimental and clinical data. As the head of the AI and Data Science team at the Core for Computational Biomedicine, Dr. Werdich enjoys helping his colleagues at Harvard Medical School to bridge the gaps between medicine, biomedical engineering and data science. He continues to work in the areas of cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmias through collaborations with Harvard teaching hospitals.
NPJ Digit Med
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Circ Genom Precis Med
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Environ Sci Technol
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Circ Genom Precis Med
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JACC Basic Transl Sci
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PLoS One
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J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
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