Eric Moerth, Ph.D.
Research Fellow in Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Associate in Computer Science, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Eric Moerth received his PhD from the University of Bergen in Norway, under the supervision of Prof. Noeska Smit. During his PhD study, Eric Moerth conducted research in multimodal medical visualization. His main focus was the research of new and innovative ways to visualize and explore medical data, e.g. MRI data to enable doctors to have a better view at their data. His projects resulted in successful publications in the field of medical visualization.
Vistrust: a Multidimensional Framework and Empirical Study of Trust in Data Visualizations.
Authors: Elhamdadi H, Stefkovics A, Beyer J, Moerth E, Pfister H, Bearfield CX, Nobre C.
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
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IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
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The Timing of Pregnancies After Bariatric Surgery has No Impact on Children's Health-a Nationwide Population-based Registry Analysis.
Authors: Beiglböck H, Mörth E, Reichardt B, Stamm T, Itariu B, Harreiter J, Eichelter J, Prager G, Kautzky-Willer A, Wolf P, Krebs M.
Obes Surg
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Obes Surg
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ScrollyVis: Interactive Visual Authoring of Guided Dynamic Narratives for Scientific Scrollytelling.
Sex-Specific Differences in Mortality of Patients with a History of Bariatric Surgery: a Nation-Wide Population-Based Study.
Authors: Beiglböck H, Mörth E, Reichardt B, Stamm T, Itariu B, Harreiter J, Hufgard-Leitner M, Fellinger P, Eichelter J, Prager G, Kautzky A, Kautzky-Willer A, Wolf P, Krebs M.
Obes Surg
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Obes Surg
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[Smart Rehab: App-based rehabilitation training for upper extremity amputees - Case Report].
Authors: Prahm C, Sturma A, Kayali F, Mörth E, Aszmann O.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir
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Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir
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Authors: Scaling Up Medical Visualization: Multi-Modal, Multi-Patient, and Multi-Audience Approaches for Medical Data Exploration, Analysis and Communication
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine
Authors: MuSIC: Multi-Sequential Interactive Co-Registration for Cancer Imaging Data based on Segmentation Masks
VINCI '22: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction
Authors: ICEVis: Interactive Clustering Exploration for tumor sub-region analysis in multiparametric cancer imaging
2022; 1-5.
2022; 1-5.
Computer Graphics Forum
Authors: Radex: Integrated visual exploration of multiparametric studies for radiomic tumor profiling
2020; 39(7):611-622.
2020; 39(7):611-622.
Advances in Computer Graphics: 37th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2020, Geneva, Switzerland, October 20–23, 2020, Proceedings 37
Authors: ParaGlyder: Probe-driven interactive visual analysis for multiparametric medical imaging data
2020; 12221.
2020; 12221.