Hojjat Salmasian, PhD, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Affiliate Member, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Secure Messaging Use and Wrong-Patient Errors.
A Hospice Transitions Program for Patients in the Emergency Department.
Authors: Baugh CW, Ouchi K, Bowman JK, Aizer AA, Zirulnik AW, Wadleigh M, Wise A, Remón Baranda P, Leiter RE, Molyneaux BJ, McCabe A, Hansrivijit P, Lally K, Littlefield M, Wagner AM, Walker KH, Salmasian H, Ravvaz K, Devlin JA, Brownell KL, Vitale MP, Firmin FC, Jain N, Thomas JD, Tulsky JA, Ray S, O'Mara LM, Rickerson EM, Mendu ML.
JAMA Netw Open
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JAMA Netw Open
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The Safety of Outpatient Health Care : Review of Electronic Health Records.
Authors: Levine DM, Syrowatka A, Salmasian H, Shahian DM, Lipsitz S, Zebrowski JP, Myers LC, Logan MS, Roy CG, Iannaccone C, Frits ML, Volk LA, Dulgarian S, Amato MG, Edrees HH, Sato L, Folcarelli P, Einbinder JS, Reynolds ME, Mort E, Bates DW.
Ann Intern Med
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Ann Intern Med
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Clinical Decision Support for Hypertension Management in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Authors: Samal L, Kilgallon JL, Lipsitz S, Baer HJ, McCoy A, Gannon M, Noonan S, Dunk R, Chen SW, Chay WI, Fay R, Garabedian PM, Wu E, Wien M, Blecker S, Salmasian H, Bonventre JV, McMahon GM, Bates DW, Waikar SS, Linder JA, Wright A, Dykes P.
JAMA Intern Med
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JAMA Intern Med
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Transforming Otoscopy Using Artificial Intelligence.
Retrospective cohort study of wrong-patient imaging order errors: how many reach the patient?
Authors: Kneifati-Hayek JZ, Geist E, Applebaum JR, Dal Col AK, Salmasian H, Schechter CB, Elhadad N, Weintraub J, Adelman JS.
BMJ Qual Saf
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BMJ Qual Saf
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Early Expected Discharge Date Accuracy During Hospitalization: A Multivariable Analysis.
Authors: Piniella NR, Fuller TE, Smith L, Salmasian H, Yoon CS, Lipsitz SR, Schnipper JL, Dalal AK.
J Med Syst
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J Med Syst
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A Description of the Variation in Quality and Patient Safety Structures Within a Health System.
Authors: Myers LC, Salmasian H, Iannaccone C, Frits ML, Volk LA, Bates DW, Mort E.
Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf
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Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf
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Effect of restricting electronic health records on clinician efficiency: substudy of a randomized clinical trial.
Authors: Kneifati-Hayek JZ, Applebaum JR, Schechter CB, Dal Col A, Salmasian H, Southern WN, Adelman JS.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Forecasting hospital-level COVID-19 admissions using real-time mobility data.
Authors: Klein B, Zenteno AC, Joseph D, Zahedi M, Hu M, Copenhaver MS, Kraemer MUG, Chinazzi M, Klompas M, Vespignani A, Scarpino SV, Salmasian H.
Commun Med (Lond)
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Commun Med (Lond)
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