Kathe Fox, PhD
Kathe P. Fox is a member of Aetna’s Analytics and Behavior change organization and leads the Informatics activities that support Plan Sponsor analyses and tools. Recently Kathe led the design and assessment of provider and network services including the assessment and monitoring of Aetna’s Joint Venture partners. Kathe also helps manage data governance for external release of Aetna data for research. Recently Kathe won the 2016 Aetna Innovator of the Year Award and the Aetna Chairman’s Award for her Health/Wealth product idea.
Over the last six years Kathe has worked closely with the Harvard Medical School, specifically the Departments of Biomedical Informatics and Health Policy, and encouraged and supported the growth of clinical and policy research using health insurance claims data. Harvard and Aetna have built a multi-year data enclave that offers claims experience on 30+ M members over six years. Researchers have used these data to investigate questions ranging from the efficacy of preventive screening to the inheritability of autism. These data, and the associated analytic techniques, have been introduced to medical students as part of their training.
Prior to joining Aetna, Kathe was Vice President and Practice Leader for Health Plan customers at Medstat (now Truven Health Analytics) where she was responsible for analytic and consulting solutions for the managed care market. She also led a number of federal contracts including the CMS Medicaid Encounter Data Quality and Performance Measurement project and an AHRQ Medical Errors Reporting Implementation Plan.
Kathe holds a Ph.D. from Yale University (Department of Epidemiology and Public Health) and a B.A. in History from Skidmore College. She is Treasurer of the Alumni Board of the Yale School of Public Health, a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of axialhealthcare, and an advisor, on behalf of Aetna, to Springboard Enterprises.
Clin Infect Dis
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J Am Med Inform Assoc
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J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Diabetes Care
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