Nils Gehlenborg

Nils Gehlenborg, PhD

Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Director, Master of Biomedical Informatics (MBI) Program

10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115

Nils Gehlenborg  received his PhD from the University of Cambridge and was a predoctoral fellow at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI).

The goal of Gehlenborg’s research is to improve human health by developing computational techniques and interfaces that enable scientists and clinicians to efficiently interact with biomedical data. Tight integration of algorithmic approaches from biomedical informatics with advanced data visualization techniques is central to his efforts, as is close collaboration with clinicians and experimentalists. Currently, Gehlenborg is researching and developing novel tools to visualize heterogeneous data from large-scale cancer genomics studies such as The Cancer Genome Atlas, integrating visual and computational approaches to support sense-making in biology, and using software to support reproducible collaborative research in epigenomics and genomics.

Gehlenborg is a co-founder and former general chair of BioVis, the Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, and co-founder of VIZBI, the annual workshop on Visualizing Biological Data. Occasionally, he contributes to the “Points of View” data visualization column in Nature Methods.

Gehlenborg currently serves as the Director of the Master of Biomedical Informatics (MBI) program at Harvard Medical School.

DBMI Research Areas
DBMI Courses
Visual Pattern-Driven Exploration of Big Data.
Authors: Behrisch M, Schreck T, Krüger R, Gehlenborg N, Lekschas F, Pfister H.
2018 Int Symp Big Data Vis Immers Analyt (BDVA) (2018)
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HiGlass: web-based visual exploration and analysis of genome interaction maps.
Authors: Kerpedjiev P, Abdennur N, Lekschas F, McCallum C, Dinkla K, Strobelt H, Luber JM, Ouellette SB, Azhir A, Kumar N, Hwang J, Lee S, Alver BH, Pfister H, Mirny LA, Park PJ, Gehlenborg N.
Genome Biol
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SATORI: a system for ontology-guided visual exploration of biomedical data repositories.
Authors: Lekschas F, Gehlenborg N.
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HiPiler: Visual Exploration of Large Genome Interaction Matrices with Interactive Small Multiples.
Authors: Lekschas F, Bach B, Kerpedjiev P, Gehlenborg N, Pfister H.
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
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UpSetR: an R package for the visualization of intersecting sets and their properties.
Authors: Conway JR, Lex A, Gehlenborg N.
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Interactive visual exploration and refinement of cluster assignments.
Authors: Kern M, Lex A, Gehlenborg N, Johnson CR.
BMC Bioinformatics
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AVOCADO: Visualization of Workflow-Derived Data Provenance for Reproducible Biomedical Research.
Authors: Stitz H, Luger S, Streit M, Gehlenborg N.
Comput Graph Forum
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From Visual Exploration to Storytelling and Back Again.
Authors: Gratzl S, Lex A, Gehlenborg N, Cosgrove N, Streit M.
Comput Graph Forum
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Authors: Manrai AK, Patel CJ, Gehlenborg N, Tatonetti NP, Ioannidis JP, Kohane IS.
Pac Symp Biocomput
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Authors: Manrai AK, Patel CJ, Gehlenborg N, Tatonetti NP, Ioannidis JP, Kohane IS.
Pac Symp Biocomput
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