Noah Connally

Noah Connally, PhD

Research Fellow in Biomedical Informatics

Noah Connally received his PhD in Shamil Sunyaev's lab at Harvard Medical School. His postdoc research is jointly supervised by Luke O'Connor and Elinor Karlsson, and is focused comparative and evolutionary approaches to complex trait genetics.

Genetic mapping across autoimmune diseases reveals shared associations and mechanisms.
Authors: Lincoln MR, Connally N, Axisa PP, Gasperi C, Mitrovic M, van Heel D, Wijmenga C, Withoff S, Jonkers IH, Padyukov L, Rich SS, Graham RR, Gaffney PM, Langefeld CD, Vyse TJ, Hafler DA, Chun S, Sunyaev SR, Cotsapas C.
Nat Genet
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The missing link between genetic association and regulatory function.
Authors: Connally NJ, Nazeen S, Lee D, Shi H, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Chun S, Cotsapas C, Cassa CA, Sunyaev SR.
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