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Philip Chikontwe

Research Fellow in Biomedical Informatics

Philip Chikontwe received his PhD from the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), South Korea, where he focused on designing machine learning algorithms that can reliably learn data representations from inexact or incomplete supervision with a primary focus on computational pathology. His research resulted in several contributions that improve automated disease detection and localization in histopathology images, equally extendable to other medical image modalities. Philip’s current research focus is investigating data efficient and integrative approaches for histopathology image analysis (multi-modal multi-omics), including rare central nervous system tumors detection.

Enhancement of Perivascular Spaces Using Densely Connected Deep Convolutional Neural Network.
Authors: Jung E, Chikontwe P, Zong X, Lin W, Shen D, Park SH.
IEEE Access
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